In the miner’s house on Štúrová street (in the birthplace of academician Plander) during the Kremnické gags from August 25-27 (from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) […]
There was a bear attack near the Belá river between the villages of Liptovská Kokava and Pribylina on Wednesday, August 23 in the afternoon. The collision […]
The intervention team for brown bears of the Slovak Nature Conservancy (Intervention Team) is currently patrolling the village of Kľačno daily. Until this morning, our colleagues […]
During three years, the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic (ŠOP SR) will be part of a large international and multidisciplinary team consisting of twelve […]
Yesterday, a working group for the management of large carnivores in the Slovak Republic, focused on the management of the brown bear, met at the Ministry […]