With the end of the year approaching, it is a popular practice to draw up lists of the most popular “classic” terms, as well as those ranking of various bizarre things that Slovaks searched for most often in the Google search engine during the year.
The winner of 2022 Visibility’s ranking was the following question: “WHAT DOES BROWN BEAR EXCREMENT LOOK LIKE?”. ? This question was asked by more than 700 Slovaks per month on average last year!!
? That’s why we have prepared a small photo story about the food ecology of the brown bear.
A link to the referenced statistics:
The presentation was prepared by the SNC SR Department of Communication and Promotion
Author of the photos: Michal Haring, Jaroslav Slašťan, Slavomír Finďo, SNC SR
A PDF format of the presentation Ekológia medveda – bizarnosti